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10 Thanksgiving Foods You Should Never, Ever Feed Your Pet


Raw bread dough containing yeast is dangerous for cats and dogs. “When a dog or cat ingests raw bread dough, the yeast continues to convert the sugars in the dough to carbon dioxide gas and alcohol,” the ASPCA explains. “This can result in bloated drunken pets, which could become a life-threatening emergency.” Raw cake batter is also a no-no because the raw eggs inside may contain salmonella bacteria, which could cause food poisoning.

Anyone who's had a dog can relate: as you tuck into your Thanksgiving meal, there’s an extra guest at your feet, staring up at you with big puppy eyes and begging for scraps from your holiday feast.

It’s fine to throw Fido a few extra treats, but you might want to stick to snacks designed for dogs. Many of the human foods we eat at Thanksgiving are actually very dangerous for pets.

Launch the gallery to see 10 Thanksgiving foods you should never feed to your cat or dog, all courtesy of the ASPCA's website.

Rita Maas
Pets don’t just have to worry about stinky breath when it comes to onions, garlic and chives. Eating these foods can cause stomach irritation and can even lead to red blood cell damage in animals, according to the ASPCA.
All nuts, including almonds, pecans, and walnuts, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even pancreatitis, in cats and dogs, says the ASPCA. Macadamia nuts are especially dangerous. They can cause “weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia [high body temperature].”
Resist the urge to throw your pets a few treats from the snack bowl this holiday season. Salty snacks like potato chips, pretzels and popcorn can cause “excessive thirst and urination, or even sodium ion poisoning in pets,” says the ASPCA.

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